5 Life Lessons We  All Can Learn from the Ramayana

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Lord Rama cherished all relationships. He willingly chose to spend 14  years in the forest to protect his father's esteemed honor. During this  time, Laxman – his half-brother – even accompanied him to support him. 

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1. Value Unity and Relationships – More Than Greed, Pride and Power 

2. Embrace All – Irrespective of Caste, Creed or Colour

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Lord Rama was exceptionally humble and kind, treating everyone with equality. He willingly partook of the fruits nibbled by Sabari, a  destitute old woman who had little material wealth to offer but poured  forth pure love.

3.Stay Away from Negative People

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Dashratha's third wife, Queen Kaikeyi, had a deep affection for Rama,  even more than her own son Bharat. Unfortunately, her maid, Manthara, filled her heart with negativity. Manthara persuaded Kaikeyi to send Rama into exile and advocated for Bharat's coronation as the king.

4.Forgiveness Trumps Revenge

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Lord Rama and Sita exemplified forgiveness and kindness towards all. They extended their forgiveness to Kaikeyi, Rama's stepmother, despite her role in his exile.

5.Victory of Good over Evil

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Ravana possessed great intellect but ruled with cruelty and arrogance.  He kidnapped Lord Rama's wife, Sita, seeking revenge for Rama and his brother Laxman's mutilation of his sister Surpanakha's nose.  Nevertheless, Lord Rama emerged victorious in the final battle and successfully rescued Sita.

In today's modern life, many of us have ceased to believe in the ideals presented in our revered scriptures. However, in reality, these teachings are genuinely enlightening and crucial for living a life guided by good karma. By adhering to these principles, we can undoubtedly experience peace, harmony, and contentment in our lives. 

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